
no show

...so the postman came and the door bell rang.. i got over excited,
only to be handed a few letters & no box! NO BOX!

maybe tomorrow.

please tomorrow!!

so today i spent most of my afternoon in the post office in town
sending out t shirts & cd's!

thank you to all who have ordered them today.. you can sleep safe in
the knowledge it'll keep us in tesco finest tea bags & taste the
difference pizza's all winter.

tomorrow's job, in-between my actual job of working on some new songs,
is to find a suitable tent for bestival! I cant wait to see Kraftwerk
again, it's going to be very different to last time.. that was in the
royal festival hall about 5 years back, possibly as far removed from a
field of 25,000 people dressed as space invaders as you can get... its
going to be great. if only there was new songs from them but i know
better! precision & perfection clearly takes its sweet time.. bit like
my pick ups actually.